Monday, February 2, 2009

Happy Birthday Babe!!

Ben turned 29 on the 29th. I can't believe that he was only 19 when we met. Looking back, I never imagined that I would be preparing to go to the temple with Ben and our three children. We are still the same people that we were back then, but instead we decided to take a different path. The path that we have chosen is definitely not the easy route. I took the easy way out way to many times, and found out that you can only bury so much into your heart before it can't take it anymore. I am not sure why I feel like sharing so much right now, but for some reason I do. During the weakest moment in my life...some will never have to experience the pain that I felt in my heart about two years ago. I literally lost myself somewhere along the way. Always trying to find something better or an escape from reality, I finally hit bottom. Every time I had challenges, I would run from the consequences, instead of facing them. I was ready to walk away from one of the greatest blessings in my life. I was in a dark, lonely place and could see no way out on my own. A man came to visit me during this time and what he told me changed my life. He said that there was one and only one man that could help me and his hand was reaching out waiting for me to grab it. Words could never the express the feelings that I then experienced when I reached out. The missionaries started to come and teach Ben and I the lessons. They brought a spirit so strong into our home that we could never deny. I truly believe that there is a time for each person on this earth to hear the gospel and only they will know when that is. This was our time to grow and become the people that we were sent here to be. We have learned so much and I will forever be grateful for the forgiving heart that my husband has. He really is amazing and I look forward to eternity with my family.


Christian, Kerri, & The Boys said...

Thats was beautiful, everything you said make me thing of how I felt before and after I met the missionaries. The Gospel is amazing and I am so proud of you and your family. I want to come and see your guys.
The Gospel is so TRUE!
PS. My husband is older than your,,,isn't that funny!

Jenny said...

Thank you for sharing your powerful testimony. The healing power of the Atonement of Christ is truly amazing and is where true healing is found, as you have found and described. Feeling His love has changed my life forever as well. I too am so grateful for Him, for His Sacrifice, and the love and mercy that He extends to forgive us and help us to progress and move forward. It is great to see your family progressing towards going to the temple together. That will be an amazing blessing for you all. The blessings of the temple are amazing, and the temple is one of my favorite places to go and pray, ponder, and feel His love for me. I know that He loves us each individually, and that He knows our needs. We are so blessed to have the blessings of the gospel. Thanks again for sharing your testimony and experiences, which have strenthened mine. I appreciate it.

The Astill's said...

aw jodi that was the best thing i have heard/read in a long time! I literally got teary-eyed reading it and really felt the spirit in your words! I'm so happy for you guys. I realize all the time how much i take the gospel for granted. You're so right when you say its not the easiest route to take but it is so worth it! I'm proud of you guys! You are the cutest family! (Happy Birthday Ben!)

The Lawn Ranger's Woman said...

Happy Belated Bday, Benny Boy! I swear I have read this blog like a million times, and I don't know what to write. You are AMAZING! Thanks for the testimony, for the example, and for being you. Sometimes I don't think you realize what a difference you are making in other people's lives...I am truly grateful to know you.