Sunday, November 16, 2008

Bad Boy Jesse James

Ladies, I must send out a fair warning for my son. Keep your girls far away from him. Yesterday, he was watching a movie with Paige when he came to tell me that a girl and boy were kissing. I said "that's gross"! I assumed that is what he was getting at until he quickly replied, "that's not gross momma, that's pretty"! Now I know why you must worry when you have little girls. He must have got that from his father, because all I hear about is how "wanted" my man was back in the day. I seriously beg him to put on those tight wranglers, but he won't! So I guess, I can look at pictures of the mullet and wranglers and dream lol!! I must clarify that Ben did not give me that info. I hear from all the young girlies :)


The Lawn Ranger's Woman said...

That picture is hilarious...don't mess with Jesse. I don't know what you guys are going to do with your handsome little boy and beautiful girls. Ben is going to have his hands full :) And maybe we could have a remembering the 90s party. Ben could resurrect those tight wranglers.

bjjames said...

Amen! Speaking of parties...we always look forward to time spent with the Wild Whitts! I think we should all plan a vacation to Lava Hot Springs, ID. We could just pull the camp trailers, and cook out together. Check it out at

The Lawn Ranger's Woman said...

We love lava hot rocks. We're in!

Jen Proffit said...

Jesse is so much like his daddy it's funny. I'm glad you think Ben's old mullet was sexy. I swore I would cut it off in the middle of the night while we were all sleeping on top of the house boat at Lake Powell. I'm pretty sure Burton talked me out of it reminding me that if I pissed off Ben he would throw me off the top of of the house boat into the Lake. Good Times. Love your kids and can't wait to see you all!