Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Life's Tough Lessons

About one year ago my computer had a falling out, so we paid the computer guy Jeff :) to fix it. At that time he told me that I needed to start backing up all my files. Fast forward...to this last weekend. I now have hundreds of family pictures, my entire business portfolio, and my Quickbooks. Well, I HAD this, until my freakin computer crashed again and I lost everything :( I seriously cried all day Sunday, and have been trying to figure the life lesson that coincides with this incident (besides backing up). I just know that there must be something that I need to learn from this. Maybe it is that I need to know that the most important things in life are not on my computer. I know this sounds funny, but I have neglected my family trying to keep everyone else happy. I truly am thankful for Ben and the kids, and I often take for granted the fact that I get to stay at home with them. This all reminds me of the following quote, "the most important work you will ever do, will be within the walls of your own home." I want to put this quote in vinyl lettering above my computer desk to keep me on task. I would love to post a picture, but I don't have any!!!!


Unknown said...

Oh my gosh!!! I am sooooo sorry! We have an external hard drive...but I haven't backed up any of my family's pictures yet either....I've got to do that! But I totally hear you on the whole neglecting family thing...I feel like I've been doing that...and can't figure out the happy medium...maybe my computer should crash too! I still can't believe that...I would have cried too!

The Lawn Ranger's Woman said...

That really sucks...I have a love/hate relationship with computers. I guess this means I'm going to Staples ASAP for all my back up needs :)